Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Will DAP contest under PKR flag?

From the Sun Daily (extracts):

Mahathir added that Pakatan Harapan should be coming up with a final decision on the use of a common logo during the Pakatan Harapan presidential council meeting on Tuesday.

Pakatan Harapan will contest under the logo of one of its four member parties if the Registrar of Societies (RoS) fails to approve its application for registration.

Since the DAP banner is a definite no-no (terlampau haram) for Pribumi because the new Bumiputera-Only party does not want to be seen as a Rocket-puppet or a Rocket-master (essentially does NOT want to be associated with a less than bumi entity), it has to be Pribumi, Amanah or PKR.

But as Pribumi (like Pakatan Harapan itself) is unlikely to be registered in time for GE14, that cuts down the options to Amanah or PKR.

No prize for guessing which of the two will be chosen (though I am biased, wakakaka, and have a different opinion altogether).

But will the DAP accept contesting under a PKR banner. I like to see the 8th Wonder of the World. But I predict the DAP may lose some seats because of it, due to non-brand recognition.


  1. Most DAP Aunties and Ah Bengs , even after 19 years that PKR has been fighting with the Opposition, still can't recognise the logo...they only know Rocket...

  2. U guys think that u r too clever by half!

    "non-brand recognition"???

    "they only know Rocket"???

    These "DAP Aunties and Ah Bengs" (WHY not just Cinapeks?) might not be educated to "yr level(???)" BUT they definitely know a bull from a cow!

    As long as it's not dacing senget/white dot, JUST crossed lah!

    In branding terminology it's known as diagonal projection - blackmarked the opponent until the targetted groups automatically reject the opponent COMES WHAT MAY!

    1. Nanti they mistakenly cross Bulan. Aiyaa!

    2. as long as ...tis sound like zombie to me wakaka.

      however wrt voting, i have to admit i did / will do like zombie.

    3. Anmoxai marketing branding 101 - to create zombie via involuntary craving!

      Just like those Apple fanboys/girls.

    4. All zombies both sides, please cross Bulan ya.

    5. no more bulan, i give my vote to them 4 to 5 times though. tis round i go for bunga.

    6. But from they way each side accuse opposing zombies of being brainless, certainly the chances of them getting confused and mistakenly pangkah Bulan is very high, no?

  3. Aiyaa......again hor, why are you so stupid to fall into kaytee? Is kaytee really dap supporter meh?

  4. Why PH need to create a problem when there is none? What's the problem if PPBM members use PKR logo and the rest continue using their respective party logos?
