Sunday, May 29, 2005

Schapelle Corby on High Moral Grounds

I have to admit I haven’t been too impressed with the way Schapelle Corby’s family, particularly her Mum, had behaved in court during the handing down of Corby’s verdict. Even as an outsider, I squirm at the way they had virtually ‘surrendered’ the defence of their daughter to someone, virtually unknown to them and whose character, actions and motives have been and still are subjected to a number of big questions.

After my last posting early this morning prior to sleeping, I was wondering whether I ought to post a new article titled ‘What would I do now if I were Schapelle Corby’, that seeks to shore up and prepare her image more favourably for the Indonesian side of the appeal process.

When I woke up I ran through the Sydney Morning Herald and saw that Corby’s mum, Ros Rose, has uttered the most positive words since the media had got on to her. No, I am not referring to Rose’s appreciation of Aussie people’s power and her colourful comment on how this has gotten John Howard off his … eh … seat.

Rose has said what I have been visualising last night that can possibly paint her daughter, Schapelle Corby, in the best possible light for the coming appeal, should Corby still decide to proceed (and I quote her):

"Schapelle and our family do not want the Balinese people to be hurt.”

Rose had been referring to some Australians' avowal to boycott Bali as a tourist spot. She has correctly pleaded for the Balinese people who have nothing to do with Corby’s predicament, nor were they egging for her imprisonment – au contraire!

That negative campaign would be counterproductive as it hits at Indonesians with a negative message that Australians are bullies! And it won't do anything for Corby.

I hope Schapelle Corby will also ask her family to make another statement regarding the tsunami aid, namely that Australians donated to the aid because of the generosity of their hearts for the victims of the tsunami, and was without conditions of any sorts, and they should continue doing so

I would love them to keep punching these two lines on Bali and the tsnami aid (sensibly and with good taste, of course), so that not only the Aussie people gets her message but that the Indonesians can see that Corby has taken the high moral grounds.

Good onya, Ros Rose!

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